
Latina is a beautiful city located in the Lazio region of central Italy, on the western coast. It was founded in 1932 as part of the Mussolini regime's reclamation of the Pontine Marshes, which were previously considered uninhabitable. Latina is known for its stunning natural scenery, delicious cuisine, and rich history.

Top 10 Touristic Highlights:

  1. The Gardens of Ninfa - The Gardens of Ninfa is a magical and romantic park located in Cisterna di Latina. It features exotic and rare plants, fountains, and waterfalls, and is a paradise for nature lovers.

  2. National Park of Circeo - The National Park of Circeo is a protected area that includes the Monte Circeo promontory, dunes, beaches, and wetlands. It's home to a diverse range of flora and fauna, making it perfect for outdoor enthusiasts.

  3. Sermoneta - Sermoneta is a charming medieval town located on a hill overlooking the valley. It has a well-preserved castle, a beautiful cathedral, and cobbled streets lined with artisanal shops and restaurants.

  4. Latina Cathedral - Latina Cathedral is a modernist church located in the heart of the city. It was designed by the architect Mario Bacciocchi and features stunning stained glass windows and frescoes.

  5. Sabaudia - Sabaudia is a seaside town known for its beautiful beaches and crystal-clear waters. It's perfect for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying water sports.

  6. The Appian Way - The Appian Way is an ancient Roman road that connected Rome to southern Italy. It's one of the most famous and significant roads in history and is a must-see for history buffs.

  7. The Fossanova Abbey - The Fossanova Abbey is a magnificent Cistercian abbey located in Priverno. It's a masterpiece of Gothic architecture and is known for its intricate carvings and frescoes.

  8. Terracina - Terracina is a picturesque town located on the coast. It has a well-preserved Roman amphitheater, a stunning cathedral, and a charming old town with narrow streets and colorful houses.

  9. The Pontine Islands - The Pontine Islands are a group of six islands located off the coast of Latina. They're known for their crystal-clear waters, rocky cliffs, and beautiful beaches.

  10. Latina Market - The Latina Market is a vibrant open-air market that takes place every Thursday and Sunday. It's a great place to find local produce, artisanal crafts, and delicious street food.

Directions to Latina:

By plane: The nearest airports to Latina are Rome's Fiumicino Airport and Ciampino Airport, which are approximately 90 km away. From there, you can take a train or hire a car to get to Latina.

By train: Latina is well-connected by train to Rome and other major cities in Italy. The main train station is Latina Scalo, located in the northwest of the city.

By car: If you're driving, Latina can be reached via the A1 motorway from Rome, the A2 motorway from Naples, and the A3 motorway from Salerno.