
Todi is a small hilltop town located in the Umbria region of Italy, about 130 km north of Rome. It is known for its picturesque streets, medieval architecture, and stunning views of the Umbrian countryside. The town is a popular destination for tourists who want to explore the rich history and culture of central Italy. For more information on Todi, visit the town's official website at

Highlights of Todi:

  1. Piazza del Popolo - the main square of Todi, surrounded by historic buildings and featuring a beautiful fountain. Website:
  2. Palazzo dei Priori - a 14th-century palace that now houses a museum of art and culture. Website:
  3. Cathedral of Santa Maria Annunziata - a beautiful church with an ornate interior and stunning views of the surrounding countryside. Website:
  4. Todi Underground - a network of underground tunnels and caves that were used for centuries as storage and shelter. Website:
  5. Church of San Fortunato - a Romanesque church with a beautiful bell tower and frescoes by Renaissance painter Masolino da Panicale. Website:

Directions to Todi:

By Car: Todi is located about 130 km north of Rome and can be reached via the A1 highway. Take the Orvieto exit and follow the signs to Todi.

By Train: The nearest train station to Todi is in Orvieto, which is about 30 km away. Trains run frequently from Rome's Termini Station to Orvieto, and the journey takes about an hour and a half. From Orvieto, you can take a bus or taxi to Todi.

By Bus: There are several bus companies that operate services from Rome to Todi. Buses depart from Rome's Tiburtina Station and take about two hours to reach Todi.