
Ravenna is a stunning city located in the Emilia-Romagna region of northern Italy. Known for its exquisite Byzantine mosaics, Ravenna is a city that is steeped in history and culture. Once the capital of the Western Roman Empire, Ravenna is now a UNESCO World Heritage Site that attracts visitors from all over the world.

Top 10 Touristic Highlights in Ravenna:

  1. Basilica di San Vitale: This 6th-century church is famous for its stunning Byzantine mosaics, including a depiction of Emperor Justinian and Empress Theodora. Website: https://www.ravennamosaici.it/en/mosaic-basilica-san-vitale-ravenna/
  2. Mausoleo di Galla Placidia: A 5th-century mausoleum that is known for its stunning blue mosaics. Website: https://www.ravennamosaici.it/en/mosaic-mausoleum-galla-placidia-ravenna/
  3. Battistero degli Ariani: This 5th-century baptistery is known for its stunning mosaics and unique octagonal shape. Website: https://www.ravennamosaici.it/en/mosaic-baptistery-ariani-ravenna/
  4. Museo Nazionale di Ravenna: This museum houses a collection of Byzantine mosaics and other artifacts from Ravenna's rich history. Website: http://www.ravennamosaici.beniculturali.it/en/
  5. Basilica di Sant'Apollinare Nuovo: A 6th-century church known for its stunning mosaics depicting the life of Christ. Website: https://www.ravennamosaici.it/en/mosaic-basilica-santapollinare-nuovo-ravenna/
  6. Dante's Tomb: The final resting place of the famous Italian poet Dante Alighieri. Website: https://www.turismo.ra.it/en/pois/dante-tomb
  7. Piazza del Popolo: Ravenna's main square, surrounded by beautiful buildings and home to a weekly market.
  8. Rocca Brancaleone: A medieval fortress that now serves as a venue for concerts and events. Website: http://www.rocche.ra.it/
  9. Basilica di San Francesco: A 10th-century church that features beautiful Romanesque architecture. Website: https://www.turismo.ra.it/en/pois/basilica-san-francesco
  10. Pineta di Classe: A nature reserve and beach area located just outside Ravenna. Website: https://www.turismo.ra.it/en/pois/pineta-di-classe

Getting to Ravenna:

By Plane: Ravenna does not have its own airport, but the closest international airports are in Bologna (about 80 km away) and Rimini (about 70 km away). From either airport, you can take a train or bus to Ravenna.

By Train: Ravenna is well-connected by train to other major cities in Italy, including Bologna, Venice, and Florence. The train station is located in the city center.

By Car: Ravenna is located near the A14 motorway, which runs along the Adriatic coast. The city center is restricted to traffic, so it's best to park in one of the many parking lots located outside the city walls and walk or take public transportation into the center.